Here are more anti aging skin care tips. Most people turn to wrinkle creams, pills and even surgery when they want to get rid of wrinkles. Few are aware that there are literally hundreds of things you can do naturally to reduce wrinkles and nuskin slow the aging process. Here are three strategies you can try right now.
Weight Fluctuate and Wrinkles
Repeatedly gaining and losing weight will lead to more wrinkles when you are older. Here's what happens. As your skin expands and contracts while you go through your cycles of gaining and losing weight, your skin will become less elastic.
Have tight and taut skin is the key to reducing wrinkles as you age. However, gaining and losing weight makes the skin flabby and much more prone to wrinkling as the years go by.
The reason why you can keep your weight off is because you nu skin likely 'diet' well but are not good at changing your lifestyle and habits. Whatever behavior allows you to lose weight, make them a part of your life so the weight stays off.
Wash At Least Twice a Day
Do not wait until before going to be bed to wash your face. Dirt collects overnight while you are sleeping. Even more, dirt collects and enters the pores during the day. Waiting until the evening is not good for your skin.
Using a mild cleanser that isn't hard on the skin, wash at least twice a day, once in nu skin the morning and once in the evening. If you can, you may what to consider washing a third time midday. However, if you wear a lot of make this may not be possible.